Clean Water and Sanitation

March 2022

Kudos to our SDG Ambassador of the month- Ms. Prachi Kapoor

Initiatives Taken

  • Just catch every drop
  • Reinforcing sanitation quotient
  • Rendering the touch of mother nature
  • Restoring ecology
  • Each one Reach one


Initiative 1- Just catch every drop: A virtual presentation was given by students where they emphasised the importance of clean water and its availability for all. It was indeed a promising site to see young students sensitizing about the need for clean and safe water availability. Students and teachers pledged to use water judiciously so that it is available for all the sections of society and future generation.

Initiative 2- Reinforcing sanitation quotient: To inculcate the habit of sanitation and hygiene, a reiteration program was organized where a Power point presentation activity was taken up with an aim to contribute to the development and implementation of an effective behavior change and ensure that all children follow safe hand hygiene behaviors at all times. An online awareness program on ‘Menstrual Health and Hygiene’ was organised on February 8, 2022 for the girls on the topic of ‘Mother-Daughter Health and Hygiene’. It motivated the students to lead a hygienic life.

Initiative 3- Rendering tender touch to mother nature: In order to emphasis the importance of segregation of waste and its proper disposal, composting activity was performed by boscons. They practiced the same in the houses and sensitized their family members about its current need in order to reduce pollution. The diligent boscons follow the proper waste disposal guidelines in school and also spread awareness through green good deeds. As a part of their science activity, students presented different ways through which they minimize the water wastage at their homes. It was an enlightening session for other students and they were motivated to follow the same practice.

Initiative 4-Restoring ecology: To learn about the diverse water related ecosystems, tiny tots participated in online clay modelling competition depicting underwater scenes. They were delighted to learn about varied underwater species and their role in life. Boscons promoted the reuse and recycling of ‘plastic’- one of the biggest threats to aquatic ecosystems. They demonstrated various ways of utilizing plastic and reducing its use. Awareness programme was organized to stimulate children about the importance of wetlands, rivers and the current need to protect them.

Initiative 5- Each One Reach One: A google form was floated for the parents to understand about the water management practices followed at their homes. A video presentation depicting various ways of water management and water conservation was shown in classes. Students took up the role of global citizens with real life experiences and enacted their roles in order to sensitise other students. Children of different classes who virtually witnessed the class assembly were exuberant and sensitised after attending virtual session. To ensure proper water management, students practice vertical green corners and terracotta gardening in school.